Feeling small
June 4, 2016
Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah.
Spent many mesmerized hours hiking the trails of this magnificent park.

Badlands South Dakota Golden hour
May 14, 2016 Badlands National Park, South Dakota. Taken just as the sun was above the horizon. The stark beauty of the landscape is amazing.

Bridal Veil Falls Rainbow

Grand Canyon of Yellowstone, below Upper Falls
5/20/2016 Taken at Inspiration Point along the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone National Park. The view along the canyon is amazing. The many different colors of the rock along the sides are the results of the many volcanic eruptions of the like of this area, going back millions of years. There are many fumaroles venting steam and water, carrying minerals from deep in the earth that contribute to the many colors. The red areas are due to iron oxides, and their are areas of intense yellow where sulfur has been deposited. As the wind changes, you are brought the brimstone odor of the vents in the area.

The Golden Gate, Yellowstone NP
GPS coordinates: 44.933742, -110.726277

Panorama of Grand Canyon of Yellowstone